A sunny Saturday worth sharing, especially with my mom, who likes the 'art shots.'

A puppy started yipping at me as I passed by this gorgeous house. Summoned by his dog's noise, an older man emerged from his garage and saw me standing there so obviously an American tourist with my stupid pink sneakers and my camera around my neck . There was an awkward moment of realizing that we both could not understand the other's language, so he shrugged and silently picked up his puppy, holding it over the fence for me to pet! By way of 'Thank You' I motioned to his amazing flower gardens and tried to communicate without words, "These are gorgeous." I made a silly expression, put my hand to my chest, and sighed deeply. Anyway, the message was received because he beamed and gave me a thumbs up. And who said the French were mean?

Yes, I know I don't belong here. Sorry, cows.

France is all right. France can stay.
birds on wire with clouds is the winner