Well here it is. The day I've been dreading and eagerly anticipating: it's opening day, baby!

At 9AM the cast, our fearless director, our stage manager, and our wonderful Polish mentors all met at a coffee shop before our tech slot for a little pow wow. I may look happy in this picture, but don't be fooled. I had just made a trip to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face. Hurray for pre-show nausea 17 hours before go time!

Our performance time wasn't until 2:00AM.

WAITING. Oh the horror of waiting for 2AM to roll around.
Sitting in the hallway waiting for our show to start was one of the more surreal experiences of my life. The stone floor was as cold as death, muffled rock music was echoing up the stairs, and every 2 minutes, people stumbled out of the bar and barely missed tripping on our legs. All that and I had slept only 3 hours the night before.
I just kept thinking, "Now I know what hell feels like. Waiting to perform in the middle of the night in front of theatre legends without having had a single run-through."
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