The sad part of being a military brat is that you lose some of your dearest friends with every move and rarely get the chance to see them again.

I haven't seen Lucy since she moved away from our high school in Ramstein, Germany, SIX YEARS AGO, but she heard I would be in Edinburgh, so she took the train down from where she lives in Birmingham to see me!

I got to hang out with her for about 24 hours. We explored, drank tea, talked about Ramstein, and this wasn't even on purpose, but the timing was perfect for her to see my show!

At the pub right before my show, we sat underneath the TV (which was blaring a football game) so it would seem like all the men in the room couldn't keep their eyes off of us. Hellooo, Gentlemen. We're flattered, but could you just let us eat our dinner in peace?

Isn't she beeeautiful?? I still have trouble believing that I got to see her. Sometimes I think I made up my Germany years, that they didn't actually happen. But here is my past, right in front of me, beaming and holding coffee.

We bought matching Converses to celebrate our reunion.

Lucy, 6 years was too long. Let's not let that happen again. :-)
I'm so jealous!!!