Apparently, after 8 weeks abroad, I hadn't gotten all of the traveling out of my I took a road trip with Emma to see my twinny-poo at UNC.

6 hours. On the road.

Makes you crazy.

Spotted this on a passing truck. I shall call him the Ambivalent American Robot.

Lunch in North Carolina! Hmm, there's a long story that would explain this photo, but instead I will completely fabricate a shorter one:
Patricia's belly likes to serenade Ben with 18th Century French opera. Ben doesn't care for opera after lunch. That was a terrible story.

Game time! We played Fictionary, a write-your-own-dictionary-definition sort of game. I won, but who's keeping score? Me. I was keeping score and I won.

Going out to bars without boyfriends is awesome.

Super awesome.

Love ya, Patty! See you at Christmas.
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