Monday, August 2, 2010


Sunday morning and I had the abbey's chapel all to myself!

Which of course meant, that as soon as my personal worship service was over, I had to go EXPLORING.

Imagine a mini version of Notre Dame that is all yours without any guided tours, restricted zones, safety rails, or Asians with cameras. :-P

Old school graffiti.

When I entered the chapel's dark bell tower, a pigeon hit me straight in the face. And I don't mean that it flew over my head; I'm talking warmbirdbodyonmycheekfeathersinmymouth flew into my face.

And yeah, I fearlessly climbed up that rotting 11th C. ladder to see the bell. No big deal.

Getting down was a bit more of a big deal...


  1. Cool, but kind of sad, too. In the time-space continuum, you are sitting among many sisters! Can you interpret the stained glass for me?

  2. I should've had you read the book I got for Christmas, "Sacred Hearts". The nuns were Italian, but it would've come to life while you are there on location.
