Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Le Abbey Flu

Oh yeah. I haven't mentioned yet that we are all sick, have been sick, or are soon to be sick here at the abbey. Every morning we count heads and take stock of whom the Abbey Flu has claimed next. Symptoms include: nausea, severe fatigue, cough, and congestion.

Colleen teeters on the brink of...feeling super bad. She's a trooper, though. She barely has missed any class because she chooses to watch even though she can't participate.

Pretty sure it's the plague. We all may die, but at least we're dying in an exquisite building in the beautiful countryside of France. Could be worse...cough, cough.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, it could be worse. It could be THE BLACK PLAGUE.

    I dunno, I associate that with France.
