Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Flogged by Lecoq

I don't know what happened! Lecoq took place in one of the lawns today. I wore an exercise tank top. Everyone was in contact with the same grass as I was, but I walked away looking like I had been flogged.

Dad, what do you think? A mild allergic reaction to something? There's a lot of stinging nettles here, but this didn't feel like that.

UPDATE: After speaking with one of the interns, it turns out that maybe what has caused the swelling and irritation of the scratches is *weed killer* put down on that lawn days before. I'm not the only one who still has raised red marks on their skin, mine may just be the worst.

1 comment:

  1. GOODNESS GRACIOUS!!! Yowza. I can believe it is a contact dermititis, and chemicals applied via blades of grass seems to fit the marks, too. Poor, sensitive one!
